Help with the Adoption Process in Arlington

Adopting a child can take years, depending on the type of adoption that a couple chooses; the adoption agency they go with and the age and race of the baby or child they adopt. Some couples wait between two and five years or more to adopt a child, according to the American Pregnancy Association. International adoptions can take even longer, depending on the child’s country of origin. Families are usually screened by adoption agency staff and social workers for suitability before and after a child enters their home, and the birth parents’ parental rights need to be terminated before a child can be adopted by the new parents. Understanding the adoption process is difficult for many people, which is why they go to experienced attorneys to help them through every step of a legal adoption. The Law Offices of David Kohm is able to help people who need a family law attorney in Arlington to help them through an adoption or through another type of family law case, such as a child custody case.

The experienced attorneys at the Law Offices of Kavid Kohm have experience handling different types of family law cases, including child support, divorce, child custody and adoption cases. They fully understand the different facets of adoption law and are ready to guide their clients through adoption process, whether they are adopting their first child or are adopting once again. They will work with their clients every step of the way to help them to start or grow their families. From the initial free consultation, the law firm’s experienced lawyers work hard to provide clients with the support they need to face the challenges of adopting a child or going through a divorce.

David Kohm and his experienced staff work hard to provide the best guidance possible to clients with different backgrounds. They treat every case differently because they understand that different people face contrasting challenges when going through a divorce, trying to get custody of their children or adopting a child. The law firm has offices in Arlington, Fort Worth and Dallas and has worked with clients from all over Texas. People in need of legal help on a family law case can call the Law Offices of David Kohm anytime, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 817-204-0900.

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