Intoxication Manslaughter of an Arlington Motorcyclist

Late Friday night Arlington police arrest a man suspected of drunk driving after a collision with a motorcyclist. The motorcycle driver was pronounced dead at the hospital later that night. The at fault driver is 28 year old Everett Matheney has been charged with intoxication manslaughter. You can read more about this accident at .Arlington Motorcycle Accident

Being involved in any kind of accident is scary and can be life altering. The team of attorneys at David Kohm and Associates law offices have over 25 years of experience representing victims in Fort Worth motorcycle accidents, car and truck accidents. If you are facing a situation where legal aide is necessary, you have found a dedicated team of attorneys ready to fight to protect your rights.

Contact our law office any time 24/7 to set up your free consultation. Use our knowledge to your advantage. Call David S. Kohm now.

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