Do I need an Attorney for my Social Security Disability (SSI) Case?

The road to obtaining Social Security Disability benefits is known for being long and hard. The documents to be filed are complicated, the supplemental documents requested can be hard to obtain and the majority of claims get denied initially. Attorneys that specialize in navigating the complicated web of procedures in social security law dedicate countless hours to learning the steps to get clients the benefits that they need. How can you tell you need an attorney to aide in this process? Here are a few things to consider and use to determine the answer.

Do You Qualify for Benefits?

The guidelines for what ailments qualify someone for SSI benefits are rather vague and have a ton of grey area. The length and the severity of symptoms can be the determining factor in whether or not you qualify. Your age will also be a factor. The qualifying factors go on and on. Experienced attorneys will have seen many cases and will be able to talk you through the likelihood of your case being approved. They will likely have some advice on additional information you can provide to support your claim.

Have You Reviewed and Been able to Understand the Application?

The benefits application must be filled out with specific accurate information in order to try to avoid the customary initial denial that most people experience after applying for benefits. An attorney that focuses on Social Security Law has gone over these documents countless times and will be prepared to help you fill out the documents and send in the supporting information accurately.

Have you Been Denied Benefits?

If you have applied for benefits and are reading this now, you were probably denied. The appeals process to dispute your denial comes with another line of hoops to jump through. Finding an attorney that practices Social Security Law is probably the best solution for you at this time. The attorney will be able to prepare appeal documents, help you gather the supporting information and will attend the hearings required to get the denial reversed. These attorneys will have seen so many denials that they are able to guide their client through the appeal process and to a successful outcome.

So, do you need an attorney to assist you with your SSI case? The answer is yes. Don’t go through the difficult case process alone. The experience of an attorney can make all the difference in the outcome of your case.

David Kohm and Associates have represented clients with Social Security Disability in Dallas, TX for over 25 years. The experience necessary has been gained over the years to help clients like you get the benefits they deserve. Do not hesitate to set up your free consultation and see what David S. Kohm and Associates can do for you.

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