Serious Injuries Caused by Auto Accidents

There are an estimated 5 million auto accidents in the United States each year. While often times these accidents are minor, there are many accidents that cause serious injuries each year. When you are involved in an auto accident it is important to be aware of the symptoms associated with injuries and what to do if these symptoms arise. Injuries to the head, brain and spinal cord, for instance, can be life threatening. If you have been in a auto accident and suspect you may have a serious injury, the time to take action is now!

Head and Brain Injury

A head injury is a traumatic experience. The signs and symptoms of a head injury may occur immediately or develop over time. Some symptoms of head and brain injuries are: nausea, dizziness, bleeding, confusion, convulsions, headaches, loss of consciousness, blurred vision, pupil changes, stiffness in the neck and back, slurred speech, and drowsiness.

Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal injury can have a devastating effect on your quality of life and earning ability. Neck and back injuries can cause severe spinal cord damage. The most common injuries to the spinal cord are bruising and compression. Severe spinal cord injuries can cause paralysis and loss of sensation and reflex function both near the injury site or in your extremities. Automobile and other motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of most spinal cord injuries. Other causes include work accidents, electric shock, bullet or stab wounds, and sports injuries.

Time to Take Action!

Due to the seriousness of these injuries, it is important for you to seek medical attention and legal representation as soon as possible. Our personal injury attorneys are experienced with these serious injury claims. Our law firm is well known for aggressively pursuing compensation for serious injury claims, medical expenses, loss of income and pain and suffering. Our goal is to get you the money you deserve.


Start Getting the Help You Need

Contact us online or call the Law Offices of David S. Kohm of the Dallas / Fort Worth area for a free legal consultation. Our experienced serious injury lawyers are available to discuss your situation and go over your case. You can call us 24/7 at 817-861-8400 or 972-642-5297. Our goal is to fully advise you of your options and help you get both the compensation you deserve and the medical attention that you need.

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