Texas Teen Gets Light Sentence after Fatal Drunk Driving Accident

Drunk Driving AccidentIf you were injured in a drunk driving accident, you may be suffering from serious injuries and concerned about whether or not the drunk driver who hit your vehicle will pay appropriately for his or her actions. At the Law Offices of David S. Kohm, we will make sure the negligent driver is held accountable while also working toward helping you obtain proper compensation for your injuries.

An Unfair Sentence

Recently, a Texas teen caused a drunk driving accident that killed four other people. Although the teen was at fault for these deaths, he was only sentenced 10 years probation time for his actions. This decision by the judge assigned to the boy’s trial shocked the family members of the victims and was also a surprise to the prosecutors who were aiming for the boy to spend 20 years in prison.

However, the judge gave the teenage boy a light sentence because he was in need of treatment. According to a psychologist, the boy that caused the accident is a victim of “affluenza.” This means that the boy’s parents never set limits for him and he was permitted to do whatever he pleased as a result of his wealthy and privileged upbringing.

We Will Fight for Justice

At the Law Offices of David S. Kohm, we won’t let the drunk driver who caused the accident you were in get away with a light sentence like the one that was given to this teenage boy. If you were in a drunk driving accident and are looking for an Arlington attorney that can defend your legal rights, contact us today by calling 817-204-0900.

Source:  CNN, “Texas teen Ethan Couch gets 10 years probation for driving drunk, killing 4,” Dana Ford, December 12, 2013.

Summary: A teenager that caused a drunk driving accident and killed four other people was only sentenced 10 years of probation time due to being diagnosed with a psychological conditioned called “affluenza.”

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