Uninsured Motorist Settlements in Arlington TX

Although everyone in Texas is supposed to have liability insurance on their motor vehicles, some people don’t follow this law. If you get into an accident with an uninsured motorist, it can be more difficult to get any compensation that you are entitled to. You should hire an Arlington car accident attorney immediately if you have to deal with motorists who don’t have insurance so that you don’t miss out on the compensation that you are entitled to. The Law Offices of David Kohm can help you get your uninsured motorist settlement.

Whenever you get into an accident, you are entitled to compensation if you are not at fault for the accident. If you are partially at fault, you are entitled to partial compensation. For example, if you are 60 percent at fault, you are entitled to 40 percent of the compensation you would usually be entitled to. In many cases, your insurance and the other driver’s insurance handle compensation so that you don’t have to go to court. However, if the other driver didn’t have insurance, you might not get an appropriate settlement.

If this happens, you need to rely on your car accident lawyer to get you the compensation you’re entitled to. If the other driver was at fault, you should be able to get most, if not all, of your accident-related medical bills covered. If you’ve lost wages because you had to miss work after your accident, you may be able to get compensation for some of these wages as well. Your Arlington TX auto accident attorney will go over your options with you and explain how much of a settlement you can expect.

The laws surrounding auto accidents can be complicated, which is why you need an experienced auto accident lawyer in Arlington. The Law Offices of David Kohm can provide the representation you need to get the settlement you deserve. Call 817-204-0900 to schedule a consultation.

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