Infographic: Teen Driving Safety

Your children are your pride and joy. You want to protect them and keep them safe from any type of harm. However, as they age, they begin growing into adults, taking on the responsibilities and obligations required of most adults. One of these responsibilities includes learning how to drive, which can often be a scary and dangerous responsibility.

For most teens, learning how to drive is a rite of passage. This simple action allows them to assert their independence as a recognized adult. However, teen drivers are still young, inexperienced, and naive when it comes to driving independently after they receive their licences. As the following infographic maintains, teen drivers are more likely to participate in distracted driving practices like texting while driving, adjusting radio controls, or horseplaying with other passengers.

These distracted driving habits are not only risky—they carry with them the possibility for serious injury. Texting accidents are some of the most devastating car accidents, numbering just under the rate for drunk driving or driving under the influence, and often have far-reaching medical, physical, and mental consequences, including wrongful death.

At the Law Offices of David Kohm, our Arlington accident attorneys are parents just like you. We want nothing more than to protect our children from the consequences of distracted driving. Use the information in the infographic below, as well as our next blog post on safe driving tips, to educate yourself and your teen drivers on good driving habits.

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