What to Do if Your Car Gets Rear-Ended

An unfortunate result of a rear-end collision is a whiplash injury that damages the muscles, ligaments, discs and nerves in the neck. The sudden jolt that you get when you are hit from behind can create dizziness, numbness, headaches and difficulty concentrating. The first step to take after an accident is to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your health is ultimately the most important, so make sure to get the medical treatment you need. This is something that our office can help you with as well such that you don’t have to pay any money directly.

Protecting Yourself with Photographic Evidence

Pictures provide the most realistic representation of the scene at your accident, so you need to take them or ask someone else to take them for you. Photographic evidence shows the weather conditions, damage to your car, the position of the other car and the intersection or street where you were hit. Ask someone to take a picture of your injuries with your cell phone if possible. Pictures provide objective evidence of your damages, so they can be invaluable.

Getting Statements from Witnesses

Witnesses often see events differently-especially car accidents-but usually some of the descriptions of details are the same. Make sure to get contact information from two or more people who saw your accident so that you can get in touch with them later.

Avoiding Questions

Information that you provide at the can be used against you. Even if you say something by mistake or do something as simple as apologize, you could be jeopardizing fair compensation for your damages. Make sure to keep your comments to yourself, but make sure to get the other driver’s necessary information including name, phone number, and insurance information.

Getting Legal Representation

As soon as possible, get an Arlington accident attorney to represent you. Adjusters from the other driver’s insurance company may approach you, but you should refer them to your attorney. Even if adjusters seem sympathetic and compassionate, remember that their main goal is to save money for their company. The attorneys at the Law Offices of David Kohm are highly qualified in the field of personal injury law with distinguished records of successful practice in Arlington.

As a victim of an auto accident, you can receive a free consultation with an attorney at the Law Offices of David Kohm. Call 817-204-0900 today to schedule your free appointment. We can come to your home, doctor’s office, or

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