Archive for the ‘Texting Accident’ Category

Texting While Driving Accident

Texting While Driving Accident Attorney Texting While Driving Accident Attorney in Arlington & DFW Every day, our texting while driving accident attorneys represent clients who have been involved in a car accident in which the other driver was using their cell phone.  Recently, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) held…

Texting and Driving By the Numbers

The attorneys at the Law Offices of David Kohm understand the danger of texting and driving. Text messaging while operating a motor vehicle has a strong potential for harming others on the highway. Far too many people are injured or killed by those who do not pay full attention to their driving responsibilities. According to […]

The Dangers of Texting and Driving

As the popularity of cell phone usage and texting continues to increase, so too do the dangers associated with these activities. Many people have become so engrossed in their cell phone activities that they cannot stop interacting with friends, even while driving. This trend has led to serious auto accidents and injuries. Some states have […]

Don’t Be a Victim of a Texting Auto Accident in Arlington, TX

You have been behind them on the road before – the driver swerving between lanes or coming to a stop just in time. Oftentimes you can even see what the driver is doing, and more likely than not, their eyes are on their phones, not on the road. As text messaging becomes more and more […]