David S. Kohm & Associates
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Concussions have received considerable attention as of late, especially in the context of the National Football League. Given the head protection worn by players, just about all of those concussions involve closed head injuries. A closed head injury doesn’t penetrate the skull or brain. A concussion is a closed head …Read More »
Getting the compensation you deserve after an injury or accident claim all depends on proving negligence and determining fault. By contacting an experienced personal injury attorney, you will be able to ensure that you get the justice you deserve. Proving Negligence Proving negligence in the other driver can be quite …Read More »
Everyday unexpected car accidents happen all over the country in various ways. As a result of the accident, cars often suffer irreparable damage. Bodily injuries are also common and are hard to be avoided. The level of injury varies by car accident. Injuries may be serious, while others are only …Read More »
Today, it is quite common to buy a home with a swimming pool. As a matter of fact, they are one of the requirements of most potential Fort Worth area home buyers. However, each year thousands of people are injured or die in swimming pools. According to the Center for …Read More »