Pedestrian Accident Help from Your Arlington TX Personal Injury Attorney

If you were hit by a car as a pedestrian in Arlington, you may want to consult an attorney at the Law Offices of David Kohm. Over 60,000 people are injured in pedestrian accidents every year, and even low-speed accidents can lead to high medical bills and lost wages. You may be entitled to compensation–if so, an Arlington TX personal injury attorney can help you get it.

In order to get compensation for your injuries after an accident, you and your personal injury lawyer have to prove in court that the driver was at fault for the accident. If the driver was breaking the law by going too fast, running a red light or making a turn when you had the right of way, he may have been negligent. If you can prove that personal injury liability rests with the driver, you can be compensated for any injuries that resulted from the accident. However, if you were at fault–i.e., if you were crossing illegally–you won’t be entitled to full compensation. Depending on circumstances, however, you may be entitled to partial compensation, especially if a Texas jury determines that the driver was at least partially to blame for your accident.

Since negligence laws can be complicated, it’s important to hire representation from a personal injury law practice that has plenty of experience with these types of cases. Injuries from these kinds of accidents are often severe, and medical treatment for pedestrian injuries can be expensive. You need an attorney on your side that understands personal injury law so that you can get your hospital stay and other medical treatment paid for and can make up for any wages you lost as result of missing work after your accident.

Although some of your injuries may be covered by insurance, it’s important to seek representation right away while the details of the accident are still fresh in your mind. In the event that insurance doesn’t cover as much of your injuries as you need it to cover, you’ll already be in position to file a lawsuit. This guarantees that you will file your lawsuit before the Texas statute of limitations runs out.

If you’ve recently been injured in a pedestrian car accident, contact the Law Offices of David Kohm for a consultation. Call 817-204-0900 to make an appointment today.

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