The Consequences for Not Paying Child Support

Child SupportPayment of child support is a matter that the Texas Attorney General takes very seriously. The obligation that a person accepts with a new birth to provide support lasts while the child is growing up, and absence from the home where the child lives does not make a difference.

Enforcing the Law

Fairness and decency require both parents to take an active role in the life of a child by providing custodial care, financial and medical support, or a combination of all forms of support. To make sure that child support is provided as ordered, Texas law has strict enforcement measures, including:

  • withholding of income from wages
  • a legal judgment to obtain past due support payments
  • access to income from tax refunds, winnings from a lottery, and benefits of unemployment insurance
  • liens against financial holdings or real estate
  • suspension of licenses
  • issuance of contempt of court charges
  • passport restrictions
  • jail

The laws allow authorities to impose penalties to make a person comply with the law. Some measures may seem extreme, reflecting the importance of securing funds that ensure the welfare of a child. Wage garnishment has a history of effective collection of funds, but the methods now included in Texas law add more approaches that are highly successful as well.

Taking Action

The law is on your side when your child does not receive the support they need as ordered by the court. You can face a battle to get it, however, and an Arlington divorce attorney is your best ally.

As a single parent, you need a lawyer who can provide an aggressive approach to child support collection. The attorneys at the Law Offices of David Kohm know how to use the tools provided by Texas law to get the support that your children are entitled to receive. Your situation is not likely to improve until you take steps to initiate action. Call 817-204-0900 to schedule an appointment for aggressive representation—all first consultations are free.

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