Bedford Personal Injury Attorneys

Divorce, Bankruptcy, & Personal Injury Law Firm

When it comes to your financial well being and settling claims or filing lawsuits, the Law Offices of David Kohm provide you the best source of legal advice and backing in the Bedford, TX area. Whether you are the victim of a hit and run accident seeking damages or going through a divorce and need expert legal advice, you can count on our Bedford personal injury attorneys to represent you to the fullest of their ability.

Our Main Practice Areas

Call today for more information on our personal injury law firm and any of our practice areas:

Hit and Run Accident Information for Bedford Residents

Being involved in a hit and run accident can be very frustrating. Our personal injury law firm has many years of experience dealing with hit and run accident cases. If you remember anything about the car or driver who hit you, be sure to document every detail and tell law enforcement about any witnesses. If you have a smart phone, try to take a picture of the other driver’s car including the make, model, and license plate. This way, the driver can be found and receive the appropriate penalties. Many accidents have a limited time for you to file a claim, so speak with our hit and run accident attorneys as soon as you can to learn more about your legal options.

Choosing a Personal Injury Attorney in Bedford, TX

When you are looking for the right personal injury lawyer to handle your case, consider the following factors to hire the best law firm. It is important that they have plenty of experience in the practice area your case is in. Many personal injury attorneys offer free evaluations as well as work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if you do. Do your research to find the best lawyer for your case and read reviews from previous clients to make an informed decision. At David Kohm & Associates, we only want the best for our clients and offer free legal consultations to discuss the case with you for free.

Contact our Bedford personal injury law firm today for a free case evaluation and expert representation at 817-204-9000.