Personal Injury Attorneys in Murphy, TX

Trusted Personal Injury Law Firm in Murphy

When it comes to your financial well being and settling claims or filing lawsuits, the Law Offices of David Kohm provide you the best source of legal advice and representation in the Murphy, Texas area. Whether you are the victim of a motorcycle accident seeking damages or going through a divorce and need mediation, you can count on our reputable Murphy personal injury attorneys to represent you to the fullest of their ability.

With over 20 years of litigation experience, David Kohm’s personal injury attorneys offer expert counsel for all the following practice areas:

Mediation Information for Murphy Residents

Mediation can help an entire family when a divorce occurs. Fighting out unresolved issues in court can take a toll on all members of the family as well as your pocketbook. Mediation can help you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse work out disagreements and agree on division of assets in a fair way. A mediator will help navigate issues and decide what is best for the family, and both parties will compromise to a better end.

Finding a Personal Injury Attorney in Murphy, TX

Many people already have an attorney they go to for advice and legal issues, however, not every lawyer can or will work on every case  If you have a special case, your lawyer may not be the person for the job, but your attorney can still help you. Often the best referrals for a qualified personal injury attorney comes from other attorneys. Yours can direct you to a personal injury law firm that practices in cases like yours and one who has a good success rate.

Contact our Murphy personal injury law firm today for a free consultation and expert representation.