Auto Accident Liability Consultation from David Kohm

If you have recently been injured in an auto accident, you should consult an auto accident lawyer in Arlington. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, and you shouldn’t miss out on it. The Law Offices of David Kohm can help you figure out how to proceed with your auto injury liability case.

Car accident liability laws can be confusing, which is why you want a qualified attorney by your side when you are dealing with auto accident damages. In most cases, you are only entitled to damages if the other person was at fault for the accident. That means that if your insurance company rules that you are 80 percent at fault, you are only entitled to 20 percent of the damages you would ordinarily be entitled to. Many insurance companies will tell you that you are not entitled to any damages if you are partially at fault, however, which is not true; an attorney can help you determine what the truth actually is.

Your attorney can also assist you in determining damages from your auto accident. You are entitled to two types of compensation. One is the actual damage to your vehicle or your person. For example, if repairs cost $10,000 and you had $15,000 in medical bills related to the injury, you might be able to get damages of about $25,000. You are also entitled to punitive damages–damages to compensate you for pain and suffering as a result of the accident. These damages are harder to assess because they are slightly subjective. Your attorney should know the guidelines for assessing punitive damages. He or she can help you determine exactly how much you are entitled to and how to proceed with your case.

Since the law is so complex, it’s important to get the best representation so that you get the most favorable outcome to your case. The Law Offices of David Kohm can help. Call 817-204-0900 for a consultation.

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