Archive for the ‘Spinal Cord Injury’ Category

How Do Soft Tissue Injuries from Car Accidents Affect Your Quality of Life and How Does a Car Accident Attorney Recover Damages for this?

How Do Soft Tissue Injuries from Car Accidents Affect Your Quality of Life

Soft tissue injuries commonly occur when the body is subjected to a sudden force or impact. Car accidents are perhaps the number one cause of soft tissue injuries, but because such injuries are not as immediate or obvious as broken bones and open wounds, it may be difficult to trace…

Brain Injuries After a Car Accident Result in Complex Legal Cases. Learn Why You Need an Experienced Car Accident Attorney.

Brain Injuries After a Car Accident Result in Complex Legal Cases

Car accidents often result in injuries that may not be apparent for weeks or even months. Many people have “silent symptoms”. While an open head injury is immediately obvious, there are others that are not. They can include moodiness, headaches, forgetfulness, delayed reaction times, mental fogginess, and sensitivity to sound…

Settle Spinal Cord Injuries with the Law Offices of David Kohm in Arlington, TX

A spinal cord injury is one of the most devastating injuries that a person can encounter. These injuries are life-changing, and can severely affect your health and quality of life from the moment they occur. If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury in an accident, it is essential you rely […]