Archive for the ‘Family Attorney’ Category

Can I Go To Jail For That?

legal child support

An order or decree issued in a family law case concerning children generally includes a possession schedule and provides for the payment of child support. Unfortunately, parents don’t always comply with the order or decree. Texas law provides many remedies to a parent that has been denied possession of a…

Custody – Know Your Rights

child custody

When discussing conservatorship (commonly referred to as custody), parents want to know what rights they may exercise with regard to the child. Who decides what school the child will attend? Who decides when the child will get braces?

Mediating Your Case


When a case is filed in Tarrant County, chances are quite high that the court will send the matter out for mediation prior to final trial. What this means is that if the parties are unable to resolve their dispute, then the court will require the parties to attend mediation….

Contested Divorce Settlement Lawyer in Arlington TX

If you are considering divorce, the Law Offices of David Kohm can help. David Kohm is an Arlington TX family law attorney who is experienced at resolving divorce cases. During his years of experience as a practicing divorce attorney, he has had the opportunity to work with clients who are often dealing with substantial stress, […]

Collecting Child Support with the Help of the Law Offices of David Kohm

As a parent, you have many concerns for your children. Struggling to get the proper child support from the non-custodial parent should not be one of them. In the state of Texas, there are harsh penalties for a non-custodial parent’s failure to pay monthly child support. If you find yourself in a situation where you […]