How to Navigate the Social Security Disability Reconsideration Process

Navigating Social Security Disability

So you applied for social security disability benefits, but your claim was denied. You know you’re entitled to benefits, though, and you’re wondering if there’s anything you can do to secure them.

Luckily, the answer is yes.

You can appeal the denial of your benefits and make a request for reconsideration.

While this can be a stressful time, it doesn’t have to be more than you can bear. The team at David S. Kohm & Associates is here to help guide you through this phase and put you on the right track to securing the benefits you need.

What is Social Security Disability?

Social Security disability benefits are benefits granted to people age 18 or older who are unable to work due to a medical condition with an expected duration of at least one year, or with an expectation of death.

While many people secure benefits on their first try, many do not. These individuals are forced to enter social security disability reconsideration, instead.

Why Might Someone Need to Submit Materials for Reconsideration?

Social Security processIf an application for social security benefits is denied, the person seeking the benefits will need to submit materials for reconsideration.

There are many reasons someone would be denied social security benefits, common reasons are that your income is too high, your disability is not deemed severe enough, or a prescribed therapy has not been followed.

5 Things to Know About the Social Security Disability Reconsideration Process

While dealing with the process of appealing your social security decision can be trying, these five facts will help you navigate the situation more gracefully.

You need to file for reconsideration within 60 days of being denied.

Reconsideration is the first step of the benefits appeal process, so it’s important to enter into it promptly. Individuals who don’t submit their request for review within 60 days of being denied benefits will be forced to start a new application, which is time-consuming and frustrating.

Any updated information you have to include in your application will be crucial.

According to the website, 86% of claims are denied during reconsideration because they lack vital information. With this in mind, be sure to include any updated information you’ve received from your doctors or health care providers in your appeals packet. This will strengthen your case and improve your chances of securing benefits.

The quicker you can submit your application, the better.

While you have 60 full days to complete your reconsideration, it’s wise to fill out the packet as quickly as possible. The sooner you submit your request, the sooner you’ll have a decision about your benefits.

You’re much more likely to be successful if you hire an attorney.

Social security law is complex, and although you’re not required to have an attorney represent you during the reconsideration process, it can help boost your chances of a successful appeal.

If you are denied a second time, you can appeal the decision.

If your request for reconsideration is denied, you can appeal the decision before a judge. If your claim goes this far, you’ll want to hire an attorney to represent you in court.

David S. Kohm & Associates: Your Source for Qualified Social Security Representation

If you’re facing the social security system, don’t do it on your own. Contact David S. Kohm & Associates for skilled, experienced legal representation.

While appealing your social security benefits decision can be difficult, we’re here to help you get the benefits you deserve.

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