Archive for the ‘Social Security Disability’ Category

SSDI Work Credits: What Are They?

What are SSDI Work Credits?

Before you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, there are medical and financial conditions that you must satisfy. One of the crucial non-medical eligibility requirements for SSD benefits is having sufficient work credits. If you have insufficient work credits, you are not considered as insured under SSD insurance. Here is…

My Symptoms are Severe: So Why was I Denied my Social Security Disability claim?

Severe Symptoms and SSD Denial

Perhaps you’ve struggled with debilitating back pain for years or stiff hands that no longer function properly in the workplace. You may have reached a point in your life where your employer no longer accommodates for the days you missed at work and the lower productivity levels haven’t gone unnoticed….

How to Pursue Your Texas Social Security Disability Claim After a Denial

How to Pursue an SSD Claim After Denial

Millions of U.S. citizens file applications for social security disability benefits each year. However, 70% of these SSD applications are denied by SSA. If your application for SSD benefits has been turned down, you have two options at your disposal: request for reconsideration or a disability hearing. Request For Reconsideration Just like…

5 Common Mistakes seen from Texas Social Security Disability Applicants

Five Common Mistakes for SSD Applicants

More than two million people apply for Social Security Benefits in the U.S. every year. Unfortunately, about a third of these applications are denied at the first stages of the application process. Usually, the denial is because of errors on the part of the applicant. If you want to increase the possibility of…

Am I Fit for Work?

Testing if you are fit for work for SSD.

How Simple Testing from your Doctor can Help with your Social Security Disability Case Statistics indicate that 60-70% of Social Security Disability Benefits applications nationwide do not succeed. Even more worrisome about the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), or the Supplemental Security Income (SSI), request process is the lengthy, drawn…

How Personal Injury Settlements May Affect Existing Social Security Disability Benefits

Personal Injury and Social Security Disability

When considering a lawsuit, many clients are worried about the impact a win might have on their Social Security Benefits. Each situation is different, but receiving a significant amount of money could affect your SSI, SSDI, or Social Security. It is important to talk toa personal injury lawyer that can…

What To Do When You Are Denied Social Security Disability

what to do when you are denied social security disability

At the Law Offices of David S. Kohm we are experienced with all aspects of disability law and routinely handle cases related to Social Security Disability benefits as well as appeals for those who have been denied those benefits. If your benefits have been denied, you need the Law Offices…

How to Navigate the Social Security Disability Reconsideration Process

So you applied for social security disability benefits, but your claim was denied. You know you’re entitled to benefits, though, and you’re wondering if there’s anything you can do to secure them. Luckily, the answer is yes. You can appeal the denial of your benefits and make a request for…

Do I need an Attorney for my Social Security Disability (SSI) Case?

The road to obtaining Social Security Disability benefits is known for being long and hard. The documents to be filed are complicated, the supplemental documents requested can be hard to obtain and the majority of claims get denied initially. Attorneys that specialize in navigating the complicated web of procedures in…

Social Security Lawyer

social security disability attorney

Social Security Disability Lawyer How a Social Security Disability Attorney Can Help Your Disability Case Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is designed to pay monthly benefits to those people who are no longer able to work due to a prolonged or terminal illness or due to a physical impairment which…