October a Severe Month for Car Crashes

October car accidents

Driving on the nation’s roadways requires drivers to be vigilant, knowledgeable of signs, speed limits, and rules, and have the ability to operate their vehicle in a safe manner. Unfortunately, as we all know, not all drivers are vigilant or safe. Even if we are the most careful of drivers,…

What to Know when Seeking Assistance for your Social Security Disability Claim

What to Know When Seeking SSD Legal Assistance

When looking for a lawyer for any legal matter, it’s important to find the right professional with the expertise to handle your specific situation. That’s no less true, when you need a Social Security disability lawyer and may even require a more thorough understanding of what’s needed in this type…

Under what Circumstances Your Social Security Disability Hearing Request May Be Expedited

Circumstances for Expediting an SSD Request

The journey to collect Social Security Disability can be long and strenuous. Sometimes, people wait longer than a year to see a judge about their hearing because of the sheer number of applications that pass through the system every year. A Social Security Disability lawyer can help to expedite that…

The Average Waiting Time for a Social Security Disability Hearing before an Administrative Law Judge

Average Wait Time for Social Security Disability Hearing

The average waiting period for a social security disability hearing in the DFW area is around 500 days. Every year, the Social Security Administration receives well over two million disability applications. Less than 30% of those disability claims filed are awarded. Your application for disability benefits can become a long and complicated process that…

Requesting Reconsideration of an Application for Social Security Disability in Texas

Request for SSD Reconsideration

Your request for a disability claim in the State of Texas has been denied. It will not make the decision easier by knowing that you are not alone. About 70% of such claims in Texas are denied every year. What can you do about the decision? You can – and…

Why Timing is Important if You Have a Whiplash Injury After a Car Accident

Why timing is important after a whiplash injury

Whiplash injuries are probably the most disputed injuries in a car accident. They’re often the hardest to prove, and many claim that whiplash isn’t a serious injury, or that those who claim to be suffering from it are ‘milking’ it and just trying to get as much money as possible….

Tips for those Claiming Social Security Disability as a Result of Fibromyalgia

Claiming Disability for Fibromyalgia

The ability to work may be impacted by many things, including physical or mental illness, or disability from injury. A condition that often makes it impossible for a person to remain gainfully employed is fibromyalgia. Because fibromyalgia was only acknowledged as a serious problem within the past few decades, many…

What if I Was a Passenger in a Car Accident?

What if I was a passenger in a car accident?

Car accidents are messy and complicated. Figuring out liability, the cost of damage to the vehicles, and concern over injuries are just a few of the things drivers have to worry about after the accident. While an accident such as being rear-ended may be very simple, most are much more…

The Differences between SSI and SSDI

What is the difference in SSD and SSDI

The terms SSI and SSDI are very confusing to many people. You will often hear them used interchangeably, but they are entirely two different types of assistance. Understanding all there is to know about these federally funded programs will help to clear up any confusion. Supplementary Security Income Supplementary Security…

Top 5 Reasons People are Seriously Injured While Driving

Top 5 reasons for serious car accidents and injuries

Each time you drive your vehicle you run the risk of being in a car accident. You put your life and other lives around you at risk with your actions. Decisions like speeding or breaking other laws are hazardous to everyone on the road. Distractions and not paying attention to…