Archive for the ‘Auto Accident’ Category

How Long Does an Auto Accident Case Take to Settle? An Auto Accident Attorney Helps Explain.

How Long Does an Auto Accident Case Take to Settle

One of the most common questions that people have after a car accident is “How long does it take for the case to settle?” The reason that people ask this question is because a car accident can be very traumatic. They want to be able to put it behind them…

How to be Paid for Your Injuries from a Car Accident if You are Not Wearing a Seatbelt? A Car Accident Attorney Explains.

How to be Paid for Your Injuries from a Car Accident if You are Not Wearing a Seatbelt

An accident is a sudden and terribly violent event. Although you may have taken every driving precaution you can, to avoid an accident, there is no way to control the actions of other people. The best you can hope for is that you will not be hurt too badly if…

What Are My Rights as an Injured Passenger in a Car? A Car Accident Attorney Explains.

What Are My Rights as an Injured Passenger in a Car

As a passenger in a car, you have the right to expect that your safety and well-being will be looked after. The person driving should follow the rules of the road, and they should not take risks when driving. When in the car with someone else behind the wheel, you…

How Do You Challenge Your Percentage of Fault in a Car Accident? See How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

How Do You Challenge Your Percentage of Fault in a Car Accident

Automobile accidents can have a profound impact upon an individual’s personal and professional lives. Associated injuries could precipitate pain, mobility issues and emotional suffering that may yield an inability to work followed by significant economic distress. Such mishaps might be further compounded by the victim’s beliefs that the incident was…

Insurance Companies Often Make Receiving a Fair Settlement Difficult: How a Car Accident Attorney Help.

Insurance Companies Often Make Receiving a Fair Settlement Difficult How a Car Accident Attorney Help

Insurance companies are in business to make money. Their favorite activity is depositing premium payment checks into their bank accounts. Then, they invest that money to make even more money. That’s what keeps a healthy bottom line, and that keeps shareholders happy. This practice often makes receiving a fair settlement…

Was the Truck Accident You were Involved in Caused by a Drowsy Driver? See How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help.

Was the Truck Accident You were Involved in Caused by a Drowsy Driver See How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help

Commercial Truck Accidents Becoming More Common  Every year, thousands of people are injured each year due to a commercial driver. There were over 4,213 fatal commercial truck accident accidents in 2016. Fatal commercial truck accidents have risen by 28 percent over the past seven years. Because the number of fatal…

Why It is Important to Obtain Witness Statements for Your Car Accident Case? A Car Accident Attorney Explains.

Why It is Important to Obtain Witness Statements for Your Car Accident Case

Car accidents can lead to serious injury, lost work time and subsequent economic distress. Ergo, victims who believe that said incidents were caused by another party’s negligence might want to seek compensation from such individuals through a civil action known as a lawsuit. That said, success often hinges on the…

Who Should You Sue if You are Involved in a Truck Accident? A Truck Accident Attorney Explains.

Who Should You Sue if You are Involved in a Truck Accident A Truck Accident Attorney Explains

Who is to blame for a commercial truck crash? Sometimes that is not easy to determine. When a truck is involved in a motor vehicle crash, a truck accidents lawyer can help you determine who is at fault for your injuries. This is a vital piece of information because insurance…

How Sideswipe Accidents Can Cause Serious Injuries and How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

How Sideswipe Accidents Can Cause Serious Injuries

Most people think that head-on collisions are the most dangerous type of car accidents. However, a sideswipe collision is also dangerous. This type of collision is sometimes referred to as a “blind spot” accident. A sideswipe collision happens when two cars that are side-by-side and traveling in the same direction…

Top 10 Ways to Prove that the Other Driver was at Fault in a Rear End Accident. A Car Accident Attorney Explains.

Top 10 Ways to Prove that the Other Driver was at Fault in a Rear End Accident

Rear-end accidents can cause more damage than we may realize and can result in the same serious and fatal injuries suffered in other major crashes. A rear-end collision occurs when one vehicle hits the back of the vehicle in front of it. These types of accidents are the most common…